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Everybody has a story to tell

Our story begins in 1993 when Gordon Knight started High Country Brewery in Boulder, Co. That same year Ed Grueff opened the Event Center in Estes Park. In 1994 Ed and Gordon decided to combine the two businesses and the Estes Park Brewery was born. The original Breweing equipment which consisted of a 4 1/4 Barrel Brewhouse was moved to Estes. For the first summer the Event Center kept the main floor as a stage and dance floor. For the first summer we offered four beers: Estes Park Porter, Estes Park Renegade, Longs Peak Raspberry Wheat and Estes Park Pale Ale.

In the fall of 1994, Gordon Knight decided to sell his half of the business. When Gordon left, Eric Bratrud took over as the head Brewer. The Brewery also expanded to a 14 BBL Brewhouse and moved out onto the main floor where is now located.

In 1995 we started packaging our beers in 12 oz bottles, which expanded our market. By this time we had added a number of beers including Trail Ridge Red, Estes Park Gold, Stinger Wild Honey Wheat and Samson Stout.

1995 was also the first year of the Best of the West Brewfest held in the Brewery parking lot. Since ’95 we’ve continued to evolve both in our restaurant and with our brewing operations. In 2003 Tyler Lemirande and Eric Bratrud took over as owners.

[ultimate_spacer height=”300″][ultimate_fancytext fancytext_prefix=”WELCOME TO ” strings_textspeed=”35″ strings_backspeed=”0″ strings_startdelay=”200″ strings_backdelay=”1500″ strings_line_height=”35″ strings_color=”#ffffff” fancytext_strings=” ESTES PARK BREWERY
GREAT COMPANY” strings_font_size=”30″ fancytext_color=”#ffffff”][ultimate_spacer height=”300″]

[ultimate_heading heading_type=”customizable” heading_content=”WHAT WE OFFER” main_heading_default_weight=”600″ default_sub_heading=”Beer. Food.Great atmosphere.” main_heading_font_size=”18″][/ultimate_heading]

[ultimate_spacer height=”160″ height_on_tabs=”90″ height_on_mob=”100″][bsf-info-box icon=”dfd-icon-beer” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#ffffff” title=”Beer +” module_animation=”transition.slideDownBigIn”]We offer over 11  fresh Hand-crafted Beers on Tap straight from our brewery. And if you cant decide, grab a sample of each and you will quench your thirst.[/bsf-info-box][ultimate_spacer height=”35″ height_on_tabs=”25″ height_on_mob=”20″][bsf-info-box icon=”dfd-icon-fry_pan” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#ffffff” title=”Glorious Food” module_animation=”transition.slideDownBigIn”]Besides our fresh hand-crafted beer, we offer great appetizers, pizza, salads, burgers, and sandwiches.[/bsf-info-box][ultimate_spacer height=”130″ height_on_tabs=”90″ height_on_mob=”10″]
[ultimate_spacer height=”160″ height_on_tabs=”90″ height_on_mob=”10″][bsf-info-box icon=”dfd-icon-TV2″ icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#ffffff” title=”Entertainment” module_animation=”transition.slideDownBigIn”]The Restaurant has a Scenic Overlook, Pool Tables, Video Games, a Beer Garden, 200 feet Mural and, of course the best Beer in Estes Park and beyond.[/bsf-info-box][ultimate_spacer height=”35″ height_on_tabs=”25″ height_on_mob=”20″][bsf-info-box icon=”dfd-icon-faucet_1″ icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#ffffff” title=”Beer Samples” module_animation=”transition.slideDownBigIn”]Can’t decide? Come downstairs and ask for  $2 large beer sample. Or maybe 2 or more…[/bsf-info-box][ultimate_spacer height=”130″ height_on_tabs=”90″ height_on_mob=”100″]

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[ultimate_spacer height=”30″ height_on_tabs=”0″ height_on_mob=”100″][ultimate_spacer height=”30″ height_on_tabs=”0″ height_on_mob=”100″][ultimate_heading heading_type=”customizable” heading_tag=”h2″ heading_content=”HOW WE HAND CRAFT OUR BEER” main_heading_default_weight=”400″ main_heading_line_height=”35″ default_sub_heading=”The Process” alignment=”left” module_animation=”transition.slideRightBigIn” main_heading_margin=”margin-bottom:20px;” main_heading_font_size=”30″][/ultimate_heading][ultimate_spacer height=”30″ height_on_tabs=”25″ height_on_mob=”30″]

The brewing process can be broken down into four distinctive steps:mashing, boiling, fermenting, and aging.

1The mashing process involves mixing hot water with barley that has been ground in a mill. This is mixed to the consistency of oatmeal and allowed to sit for 70 minutes. At that time we run more hot water over the grain which is on top screens which prevent the grain from transferring into the boiling kettle. After extracting all the sweet liquid from the grains into the brew kettle we boil the liquid (called wort) for 90 minutes. Boiling sterilizes the wort which is important for the yeast to have a bacteria free environment.

2Boiling also breaks down proteins which if carried over to the fermenting stage could inhibit yeast performance and make the beer cloudy. The final thing that happens during the boil is that this is the time when the hops are added. Hops added early in the boil are called bittering hops, hops added later are for flavor, and hops added just before the end of the boil are for aroma.

3After the boil is complete the wort is run through a chiller which cools it down to a temperature that the yeast finds best. For our ales its 68 degrees and for our lagers its 52 degrees. The yeast work there magic converting sugars to alcohol and carbon dioxide.

4Once the yeast is finished we cool the beer down to 38 degrees to help the yeast to settle to the bottom of the tank and to start the aging process. During conditioning the flavors mellow and blend. After conditioning we filter many of our beers to make them very clear and clean looking.

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Bottles produced
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Happy customers
that will recommend our beer
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[just_icon icon_type="selector" icon="dfd-icon-faucet_1" icon_img="" img_width="24" icon_size="24" icon_color="#dbdbdb" icon_style="none" icon_color_bg="#ffffff" icon_color_border="#333333" icon_border_style="" icon_border_size="1" icon_border_radius="50" icon_border_spacing="50" icon_link="" icon_align="text-center" module_animation=""]
Beer on tap
served to happy cutomers
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Hungry customers
served with pleasure
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